My take on technology...

Keyless locking mailbox

By Anshul Sushil

he Keyless Locking Mailbox turns the tables on mail thieves. Instead of just opening your box to steal your precious Ed Mcmahon offers, mail terrorists will be thwarted by the necessity of entering a complicated PIN. (Meanwhile, the mailperson safely drops your mail down an impenetrable chute.) For $299, you'd better have a worthy identity to protect. Then again, there is nothing worse than checking my mailbox to find that, once again, someone has stolen my:

1. Copy of Readers Digest
2. Victoria's Secret Catalog
3. Submarine that I ordered 3 months ago off the Trix box

Can I get an "amen"? – Mark Wilson

Source: Taken directly from Gizmodo.


A $10 Laptop!!!

By Anshul Sushil

You read right. First came the $100 One Laptop Per Child windup laptop project, now researchers in India believe they can make one even cheaper, try $10!

This is according to a proposal winding it’s way through the Indian government which believes a laptop computer can be made now for as low as $10.

That means that ten times as many computers could conceivably be made available to poor and underprivileged communities in India and other third world nations than the UN approved OLPC Negroponte models.

Providing support for the project, is Semiconductor Complex, a state-sponsored designer and manufacturer of integrated circuits who stand to win any potential contract for the hardware needed to build it.

Officials are considering two different design proposals from an engineering student from the Vellore Institute of Technology and a researcher from the Indian Institute of Science.

Both sides believe that a laptop comparable to the OLPC can now be made for half the cost of the windup model, but have high hopes that with advances in manufacturing and distribution techniques, that ultimately the price can be slashed to the goal of $10.

Much like the OLPC, chances are, it would run on open source software like Linux, otherwise, with Windows running it, the cost would skyrocket to well over three times that of the UN Model.

Source: Gizomodo and Here


Future Mail

By Anshul Sushil

Its not a new service on internet but still I thought I should post about it.

The service called
allows you to sen mails to yourself from future to past. For example....imagine you are working today to get that big project of a client or planning to marry hat girl in your life but dont know what is going to happen. Send a mail to yourself through this service which you can arrange to come to you after 2 or any number of years. It will be a surprise once you get the mail after that time saying....REMEMBER I WAS THINKING OF MARRYING HER....

Awsome...go ahead and try it.