My take on technology...

Yahoo Answers is Addictive!

By Anshul Sushil

well, I got a hang of thie new and exciting service, and beleive me its good fun.
You score each time someone answers your question. You can also score by number of ways.
You can ask questions, answer questions, rank the answers, good fun.
Do try it.
you can visit the blog here

PS: On weekend I read the news how Yahoo is trying to save itself in the war of Internet between MSN and Google. I think if they continue doing things like these, they will certainly save themselves.


Google Survives!

By Anshul Sushil

The rumour of MSN buying stake in AOL (and thus Google wud have been suffocated as about 20% of its ad revenue comes from AOL) has been turned upside down when Google itself has bought 5% stakes in AOL for 1B$.


Virtualization Technology

By Anshul Sushil

Intel and Amd promise to make our lives easier....will all the IT Admins take note of it?..
Quoting Intel:
Within the digital office and enterprise, businesses for example will be able to isolate a portion of a managed PC to perform system upgrades and maintenance without interrupting the end-user. IT managers could also create one desktop PC build that can function independently as both a business and personal system, keeping software loads and virus attacks separate, or one that runs different operating systems and software for different or legacy tasks. Multiple servers can be combined into one system, running different applications and operating systems, providing advantages for IT tasks such as server consolidation, legacy migration and security.
To read more about it, click here


Blog of Tim Burner Lee

By Anshul Sushil

Finally the time has arrived,
Blog gets a new dimension to itself,
Tim Burner Lee becomes blogger :))

Welcome Abaord ! to captain who made the ocean of internet for all of us to swim


Google Mirror

By Anshul Sushil

Its a funny web , where google exists in its mirror image. Click Here...Google Mirror


Google Calendar?

By Anshul Sushil

Rumours are widespread that Google is launching its sheduling and organizing tool oogle calendar. ( reverts you to Google Homepage).
Rumours are also there that it will be linked to Gmail and Google earth.
Its supposed to be launched today or with in this wekk.
So lets see.


Newsmap: A Visual Delight

By Anshul Sushil

Newsmap, Newsmap is an application that visually reflects the constantly changing landscape of the Google News news aggregator.
A treemap visualization algorithm helps display the enormous amount of information gathered by the aggregator. Treemaps are traditionally space-constrained visualizations of information. Newsmap's objective takes that goal a step further and provides a tool to divide information into quickly recognizable bands which, when presented together, reveal underlying patterns in news reporting across cultures and within news segments in constant change around the globe.Newsmap does not pretend to replace the googlenews aggregator. It's objective is to simply demonstrate visually the relationships between data and the unseen patterns in news media. It is not thought to display an unbiased view of the news, on the contrary it is thought to ironically accentuate the bias of it.
(Source: Newsmap website)



By Anshul Sushil

Well, there have been many sites helping you to search all the possible search engines at one time.....but here it is called the site where you can actually get to see the sGoogle and Yahoo searches on a webpage intersected into 2....try comparing the google and yahoo searches...there is a huge and distinct difference between them....let me see if you nerds can find out....


Nokia 888

By Anshul Sushil

The next Generation phone.
This design won the best design awards in Nokia Design Competeion.
In case you want me.


Gmail rate of growing

By Anshul Sushil

Gmail on 28 Sept was 2638.584390
and today on 19 November its offering 2666.000270...that means in 50 days it added about 27 Mb....more than what hotmail is offering even after more than 9 years of existence.
Its offering 25 Mb to most of the consumers and 250 to consumers in some markets. And some of the peopl are still getting 2 Mb.
Lets see what the marketing giant Microsoft does to tackle the situation.


By Anshul Sushil

Nick Negroponte, legendary founder of MIT's Media Lab, wants to give $100 laptops to poor kids around the globe.
For More details Click Here


Google Logo Creator

By Anshul Sushil

Meet Dennis Hwang ...23 year old Korean who is behind several of those Whacky logos you see..
Click here for an interview of him with the Korean Hearld


Anshultechy: Yahoo Mail Beta

By Anshul Sushil

Anshultechy: Yahoo Mail Beta
Test Mail Anshul in office


Yahoo Mail Beta

By Anshul Sushil

The New Image, I got it from blog of jzawodn..
Hope to get it soon ....


Amazon launches A9

By Anshul Sushil

The Internet is evoloving fast and furiously.....Search Engine Market is bursting with Action....the master is diversifying and there are already rumors that the page which has not changed ever since it firt appeared is going to get changed in sometime....amidst all this Amazon launches its own search engine A9.The fight of Who-is-searching-more is not still over between Yahoo and google and A9 is certainly going to attaract lot of attraction.Now the big question ....will A9 do something to google (which already accounts for more than 70% of all searches on net?)...I think to some extent yes....over the times Relevancy ....the major factor of searches was getting sidelined in the quest of who searches more....A9 can be an answer to that coz what it is seling is search on the wesbites like Flickr and webshots and many other community based wesbites..For Example "anshul sushil" on google will give you results from the web but now from A9 if you click on flickr and other tabs you will be able to see if anshul sushil has profile on any such websites...Its quite good ...but the major factor is credibility which I am sure will become the most important factor in coming years ....Alexa (from Amazon) was discarded by many just because it was a spyware but still its a fabulous software......along qith this Amazon is trying to come up with Maps (like Google Maps) but here again the differentiation is cams fitted on the roads and giving real pictures...rather than satellite the heat is on and Google has got new challenges from a proven competetior who revelutiozed the Internet..Amazon....


DOmains of Google

By Anshul Sushil

you know what is on your mobile and you will get to know....besides how many times have you witnessed typing and still landing on the search engine?...well there are about 352 domain names of Google (and its allied services)......have attached some of them...if you want a comment on this blog with your contact email and will send you the entire list.
Also note the presence of, about which I have menioned in a blog that google will be launching its browser soon...called the gbroswer


Image Search?

By Anshul Sushil

You upload an image on google and they return details of people ...Will it be possible?....Google announced it is launching a tool which will help in identifying sex of the person in photo. I was expecting it from some time and will not find many pages referring to it...but it will come very soon....similarly something is hatching at Yahoo


Google Reader

By Anshul Sushil

Google Reader is here:
Launched today it can help in collecting feeds from various sites (who support feeds)...and then bring them on to your google reader where again you can read them and go through them in a much convenient and adfree world.
Google has again succesffully maintained a simple interface, which takes less time than the parent source for information.
I have attached a snapshot for a sneek preview if you are interested


Google has registred GBrowser domain for its next big assault on Microsoft.
GBrowser will take on much successful Internet Explorer of the gaint.
Here is a news article on it.


Google Ideation Methodology

By Anshul Sushil

Here it is .....


Yahoo Mail Beta!

By Anshul Sushil

Yahoo Mail Beta is out.but only on Invites :)) ...look a lot like Outlook.....but lets see..the best thing is it has drop and drag facility like that of AOL ....
More details on yahoo Unofficial Blog
For Screen shots click here


Gmail Infringes Privacy....

By Anshul Sushil

I am a google fan...but I am really getting worried to what its upto..i have read the entire "AGREE" document that Gmail has to say before you sign up but the most atrocious fact is it is indeed reading all our mails..what if it leaks the information....I have full faith in it......but with great power comes great responsibility (ya ya spiderman!!!).just hope Google adheres to it.....
as a sample see the esxchange of mail that happenend between my freind and me....he was looking for laptop and see what ads Google offered


By Anshul Sushil

there are scores of people who have expressed that MicroSoft is traces our doings on net and retreives all this thru OS which can not be altered by a common user......we all agree to it....but see it from other integrates all the softwares and sell it a a bundle, thus saving lots of people who are not familiar with computers....I agree that MS has been always svanaging on popular softwares and then acquire it by any that Hotmail...EXCEL...Windows....anything...but hats off to the business strategy of their making them the largest tech company on plante with in less than 30 years.....Have you ever thought what Google is doing? can see what we are looking for (Google Search)..discussing (gmail).....thinking ( or talking (google talk)...buying (froogle)..where we are based and going (Gooogle Maps)...does it not scare you?It has so much information about us...I am a great google challenged the monopoly of companies like MS (heard they are making their own OS)...but i just hope they always stick to their credo of is a little incident to share with you....It was my friend's birthday when I sent him a mail and he replied to me....i had asked my friend to tell him what GIFT he would want ...I was flabbergasted as to what I saw on the right corner of for places where I could buy him jeans as gift and was a little shock because it was attack on privacy matters...
and then the incident in China where Google took away the top MS Scentist at double the salary.....the very pace at which Google is growing is threatening....
If MS was murky, lets hope the new ruler Google Inc. is not murkier.......A Men!!!



By Anshul Sushil

a great website no doubt....if u r one of thos who believe that Internet is a place to stay connected with freinds ...u must have account on this is some recent stats on the website..(official as publised by the website itelf as on Sept 7 2005... most prominent is the Brazilian Internet phenomenon ...


My Phone: R380 World

By Anshul Sushil

This is my first PDA phone....though its an old model from Ericcson (year 2000)...but its unique and eye catching in its own way....till its flap is closed people look at me holding such a big fone but when i open the flap take out the stylus...all eyes turn an the fone....there have been instances when this fone has successfully caught attention at right times. ;-)).....
the negatives are its bulky and does not fit into pocket (even if it does ....its very inconvenient)....
memory is also less (2MB) but can be synchronized wth computer so its OK.....the best part I like is sending sms and email is so convenient by using stylus... it comes with handsfree which is quite good...The first time i held it in hand ...reclled MATRIX ""Trinity, I need an exit" ..... battery is also not quite convenient but its been with me now for almost 2 years and battery is still going steady, i have to charge it for 5 years and it runs smoothly for 1 official day....


Search Engine Logos

By Anshul Sushil

Internet is home of many a fun...I got the link from my fellow Orkutian...have fun..


Google Talk

By Anshul Sushil

Its damn neat ..simple to use and easy interfaces...
Newest from the stable of Google...
It follows the principle of simple yet sophisticated from Google...
Built on the No frills based front end, best thing about Google Talk is CPU used while using it which was the biggest failure of yah00 7.0

1. Multiple Windows Sorted: What i liked about the software is multiple windows (click on the screenshot)..when u r talking to multiple freinds you can talk simulaneously while other messengers force you to maintain multiple windows...
2. Size: Installation File is small (less than 1Mb)....

3. No ads: as compared to MSN and Yahoo...

1. Keyboard Friendliness: Its not there as was expected from it being part of the google if u r one of those mousephobic, you will hate it

2. File Transfer: Not possible (as of now ...)

3. Chat: Not possible to save the chats (besides copy paste), i like the Message History of yahoo and MSN (Though I dont like XML based History of MSN but it has got its own feature of viwing the chats even if u offline...more about it later ;-))

Final Verdict: Google Talk is out and already famous being part of the growing Gmail....Do check it out at



By Anshul Sushil

The website from where I got it
I have been witness to many a chagrins of many fellow employees at my current job for carrying URLs of many web links with them, scribbling on a piece of paper or writing on Virtual Notepad and saving it on god knows where places. I was looking for handy software, which can help me in bookmarking all my URLS conveniently on the web. This led me to yahoo software, which can help exporting all the explorer favorites to yahoo bookmarks. But the bookmark website of yahoo is hard to open and not easy navigational website (On ranking of 1 to 10 if google is 10, yahoo bookmark is just 3).
My hunt led me to this software on (free downloadable and freeware).
All you have to do is create login on the website and start exporting all your favorites to the website. (I particularly liked the URL of the website, it is easy to remember).
Ratings for Remark
1. Ease to use 8 (Google as benchmark is 10)
2. Navigational Ease 7 (Google is 10)
3. Deliverability 7 (Google is 10)
Overall I definitely would recommend a trial for it.

Coming Soon Google Earth!
(Damn my computer is blown off and cannot use the software on my office computer, technically Google Earth adaptation from KeyHole Software.)